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Wednesday, June 18, 2008

my bloggaversary/countdown to bufdei...

yea rite! I just turned a year old last month on blogville.... i really did enjoy my early days when i was soooo devoted to my blog, when i was the reigning cherrypopping queen before the likes of afrobabe and 30+ took my shyne.. when i always had to work late cos i spend most of my normal work hour reading and commenting on blogs, the same place where i met my very 1st goddaughter! it has been an amazing one year though i kinda went awol lately but it's not been solely on purpose. a whole lot has been happening in ur gurl's life but i thank God for his mercies.

Guess it's tyme for shoutouts...

My biggest shoutout goes to my blog queen princesa cos if not for her i wouldn't have been here.... used to have a 360 blog page which i totally abandoned! You ruck gurl.x

ermmmm, it's kinda going to be difficult sending shout outs cos i dont want no one to feel left out so imma say u just join me in cutting da cake and popping da champagne while omosewa tthe assigned dj gives us some nice gbedu!

just have fun, it's on the house.lol

PS: my bufdei is on the 3rd of August o! berrra start shopping for my gifts o.