sooo excited cos my burfday is alomst here n guess wat? i just got my 1st early bday gift in a cuteeeee carrier bag! If i calculate the no of pple i've reminded about my bday, think it will be upto You know a sista needs to ask for gift now n this bday thingy is once in a year o! dont mind me jare, i know i'm a bday freak! wont deny it. oya Manda sharrap! enuf of dis bday talk! ok, make i try shut up now. ermmmmm, wetin i been want blog about sef, bday! ooooooooo! NOT AGAIN. ok, i no go talk about am again. CRASE! HAHAHAHHAA
Ok, i promised to blog about my FAMOUS FALL! mmmmh, as Obi said, i have 9 lives o, maybe i should ask my folks if dem cook me when dem born me sef, i'll talk a we bit about my ever adventurous falls n will try not to sound boring.
Fall no 1:- This happened when i was like 7yrs, i did not start dis my shakara today o! no be my fault though, i used to see my mum and sisters (got 2 elder sisi(s) bathe and look at their faces in da bathroom mirror and me being miss Agaracha, decided to try it out too n my small sense did not tell me dat a soapy body climbing on a bathtub was looking for trouble, so i climbed, saw and conquered. the next thing i knew, i was wailing cos the edge of the tub has jabbed my bum bum n they had to rush me to hospital to stitch it! My mum still says i got an eye on my (na me cause am?)
Fall no 2:- we got this Guava tree behind tha house and the guava is soooooo sweet! well, i decided to pluck some on one faithful day o, and then i plucked like 30 pieces (ask me whether i go chop pass 3). i was almost done o, when the fine, big one fell on our tank (i think the tank supplies water upstairs) so i was sooo greedy i had to climb one tingili pipe like dat, after all i was going to get the fruit of my labour. b4 i knew wat was happening, the yeye pipe just break and the next thing i hear na gbam! Na ground i dey so !, not just ground, na german floor abi na wetin dem dey call am sef, i just manage gather myself, shut my mouth cos i know say na beating i go receive when i go up and went ahead to change the colour of our sofa wit my blood. hahhahahaa. by the tyme my sis found out wat happened, the gbegbero chci just went to report me straight, i was lucky that i was not flogged again but wit the kinda treatment they administered, it would have been better if they just beat me and left me
Fall no 3:- this is the baba of 'em all. I went on hols to see my mum's younger sis (pple say i look like her) and she likes pampering me, so i was jejely enjoying my stay o! n then i used to like to play soccer wit her 4 yr old son,my cuz. i was 10yrs (yes i be agbaya). The woman locked us indoors (they stay in the 2nd floor of a 4 storey building) n went out o, so we play oooo till the ball fell to the next flat n the door was locked so i cld not go retrieve it, me being super woman decided to climb out the Balcony to the other side to get the ball, Mission was almost accomplished o b4 one yeye mouth just screamed and i lost it. Well i think i enjoyed the fall o cos i kept telling myself i was gonna fall to the first floor(small brain at work), the next thing i knew i was on the ground floor n it was the German floor again! this tyme around, i tried standing to no avail n the first thought that came to my mind was i had lost my legs, this was not funny o, but as God will have it my Aunt just got back same time n i was rushed to the klinik. i spent like 1 yr wit my legs suspended (cos i had an open bone that had to heal). Aunt was scared mumsie was gonna kill her although all the woman wanted was for her ever adventurous baby to get well. the good part was i neva had to do anything *smile* everyone was at my beck n call and the attention was just tooo much to savour! As for Mr Onyia, he acted like a man that he was but swore that none of his kids especially me was ever gonna leave his sight for more than a day. The Advantage to this was, i got to read the WHOLE BIBLE and i enjoyed reading it, n i didn't have to lose a class. i was promoted to jss2 on trial n then brain still hot now so i passed, u see i am a veryyyy adventurous chica. I had other minor advetures o! but these ones were the main ones.
Hope u enjoy my boring story n i just got good news from Obi. soo happy!
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Tuesday, July 24, 2007
i have been tagged! now una go see me

This is serious homework and very hard for dat mata but i will try my possible best to make it just 9!( Blog queen no vex o) i have plenty to talk about jare. 9 Random things about me, here it goes.... (looks like i cant upload multiple pix o!)
(1) I can be very choosy when it comes to food, give me noodles or rice 24/7 no wahala, i will consume but when it comes to chewables and swallowables, count me out o! i love junkies a wholeeee lot! i can just take snacks and chocolates for the rest of my life but as God gave me (BIG BODY) i have to watch it or else i'll turn to full time Orobo, i dont drink Coke/pepsi or Garri else i'll have constipation for 2 days! No matter the medication i take, constipation must stay for 2 days. I used to enjoy lying down and munching my meal or picking crumbs from the ( But Mrs Onyia made sure she stopped dat).
(2) I am Acrophobic! ( will blog fully about this later) i cant stand heights at alllll. i remember once trying to climb one pedestrian Bridge in Lagos and i felt like i was gonna fall off it anytime, i still get real scared when i'm on a lift! yes, laugh at me o! i always feel like the light will go off and i'll be caught in middle of no where. I dont envy people dat live in pent houses o!
(3) I have just 2 correct female friends and like 150 male friends, i was popular jingo among dem males in skul but it was kinda good cos they neva let me get into trouble(always felt like big brodas) i think the reason i feel more comfy wit guys are cos they neva take things personal and always say their mind, mumsie always warned about keeping female company dat will ask me to come say wat i told Angela, so i avoid it like a plague.
(4) When it comes to my body and environ, i can be a Neat Freak, i cant stand dirt in toilets and bathrooms and my body always itches like hell when i have to cross a dirty gutter or road. I dont bathe wit sponge cos i always assume it's got germs in it and whenever i do, i'll have to dance for at least 30 mins cos my body will be itching like mad! if i go to eat in a restaurant and notice any dirt in the food or table, i'll feel like throwing up!
(5) I am a big time Introvert, veryyyyy hard to believe but i love the comfy of my four walls! i just like to sit at home and read loadsss of novel! Got like 4 big "Ghana must go" full with novel all Thriller and i'm still not tired of buying o! Have been taken for been Snobbish cos i neva grace pple's occasions but it's not my fault o, dont just see myself moving an inch out of tha house (except during Nkwobi tyme).lol
(6) I loveee listening to good Music, Singing n Dancing, yea i do all dat indoors and almost every kind of music can go for me except Rap, i dont just feel it. I play loud music at work, wonder why i have not been warned yet. I also got a big Crush on Usher and it does not seem to be dying off.
(7) I am a Multi tasker, talk about chatting, working, eating and gisting same tyme. I am good at doing a wholeee lot of things same time.
(8) The first impression people have about me is she's soo quiet cos i'm always tongue tied when i'm in mist of strangers but give me tyme and i'll open my mouth although i wont like to show myself just like dat, i make friends easily (dat's if i like ur personality) but have neva been able to openly ask for smtn or express myself, maybe dat's why computer is my bestest friend cos i can pour it out here or on fone( trying to work on it though).
(9) Do i really need to stop @ 9?no now.... Well, i'm the only gurl i know that have fallen from a high tank and a 2 storey building and still flaunt my legs!(Thank God the scars left o) heheheheeee. Used to be a tomboy but i love me skimpy skirts and shorts n i do a lot of them (mainly at home though)...
Finally made it, so wat do u guys think? am i wierd or wat?
i am tagging everyone dat wants to be
Friday, July 20, 2007
tha weekend is here again. woo hooooo

Just to wish everyone a PLEASANT weekend filled with fun! My back is aching and i need to go work, maybe Obinna was rite when he said we get to do all the work while our housegurls do all da enjoyment. Well, thank God i dont have a help cos i sure would have slaughtered her for dinner when i get home today (kidding). Congrats to Princesa for the change of name, Pammy how on earth am i meant to write 600 words? No strenght jare. Ugo, happy Bday to Amarachi, Obinna, i still want to try my luck on that Goattle stuff o! (yes, i be ibo gurl) Omosewa, will rather call u omo sexy, groove on gurl, Omo G, remember our business o! toyintomato, gurl i wanna hear all about the gist! Sparkle, stop to dey harrass pple blog o!(miss Cherry Popper)lol... Obi the stalker, no comment... and to alll my loved ones dat i didn't include, abeg make una no vex! i am typing dis in a haste, may have to update it later.
HAVE A BLESSED WEEK ALL. lots of luv!!!
PS: Dat's my picture, was just grinning at work!
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Burfday, 3rd August.

wow, guess i can finally attach pictures to my blog! is dat not amazing! i'm becoming soo boring nowadays and i give the kudos to my work, i cant believe a wholeeeeeeee Blog Queen asked for a change of name and i just viewed it after she has picked names sef! Dat is the height of negligence!
Imma try to make dis short and straight to the point cos i'm here to talk Business!hahahahahaaa. As the Blog title states, my birthday is on the 3rd of August and i'm gonna be Officially 37 (No typo) heheheheeheee. So down to Business, Firstly, i want to know who's interested in da party or hangout, then secondly, i'm still trying to pick where to mark it. I actually have 3 places in mind, (i) The Beach (ii) The Club (nite club) and (iii) The Movies. Ok i'm finding it hard to pick the rite one cos No 1 sounds like the ideal place to have fun but this is rainy season here and if it rains on tha day, then it will be tha worst day out, for No 2, not everyone likes to hang out at nite (me especially) and i really dont think i'll love to lose my sleep although i may sacrifice one nite sleep for my friends, then No 3, is not soo cost effective (rememba i'm an economist) cos if i take 10 couple(s) to SIlverbed, i'll have to pay thru my nose o! moreover, we cant just see a movie and go home from there, mite as well give then lunch of dinner! So u see it's not really as easy as i thought, the last option is to bake a mighty cake and give anyone that brings me a PRESENT part of it (sounds ideal)lol...
Now i really have to weigh this and it's giving me a headache! I dont want anyone celebrating my bday for me, cos it's my day not theirs and i also want to make it a nice one!
I cant really think of a good place now and i dont want to keep worrying my head and i believe i got a lotta DARLINGS here that will help me think it out. Abeg helep a sista o!
PS: I WANT MY BURFDAY GIFTS ASAP O! AND FOR THOSE IN NAIJA DAT WANT TO COME, NOTE THAT: NO GIFT , NO PARTY! SHIKINA!! FOR THOSE OUTSIDE NAIJA, ABEG JUST PACKAGE THE GIFT AND DHL IT JARE. (Gift includes: Cash, Cheque, Landed property, Moto, and any other kind of present) No Stories plz. mwahhhhhzzzzz in advance.
Dat's a pix of Mr Nigeria, Ikenna. Is he not too cute! Think i got a crush on
Update:- this is for poke noser(s) like Obinna dat dont wanna mind thier Business o! I'll be officially 23yrs next month. Satisfied?
Thursday, July 12, 2007
i had a hella of a day today, and the most annoying part was it was an impromptu assignment so i had to take my battered self all thru tha ordeal! I had dis lil talk with my boss yesterday about one of our branch offices in TRADE FAIR COMPLEX (have neva been there b4 today) and i saw keeping the outlet as a useless assest cos we got lil or no money coming from it and we also got distributors all over. (remember i work wit a biscuit company) Now my boss who always thinks i'm an efficient worker *grin* promises to do something about the outlet and i joyfully go home thinking i just crossed one stress off my list. (it's not like the workers there where gonna be retrenched, all they had to do was move down to main office or go to another CLOSER branch).
Now i get to work dis mornign and hear the shocker of my life, BOSS WANTS ME TO GO AUDIT THE OFFICE AND SEE IF IT'S WORTH CLOSING DOWN. This wipes the smile off my face cos from wat i hear, it's like travelling to another town, ( for those of u familiar with lagos, i work in Ikeja and Tradefair is wayyy off my route!) Ok, i whine and grumble and reluctantly agreed to go, not like i had a choice though! But the only consolation was i had someone to take me there and bring me back. The JOURNEY going down was not as stressful as i thought, at least from the stories i was told, i just spent like 1hr:15mins going and then the DRAMA started.
Part of my work here is taking care of anything involving sales but that excludes distributors (Thank God) and i have gotten used to being called all sorts of names like MEANY, WICKED, HEARTLESS and all sorts and the truth is, i am more or less the most friendly worker we got around(not trying to praise me) but my second name is smile and i do dat alot, but pple still get the wrong impression about me cos i just try to do my work!
Now i go check the stock, and dat includes all thier records and notice some funny dealings there. ( this is like the 3rd time we are gonna handle fraud in this particular branch) and then i smile on and finally confirm that there is really something going on here. I confront the lady in charge and she mumbles smtn about trying to sort out watever is wrong * thank God she didn't call me dumb* then i tell her to get back to me and leave cos i had it in mind dat i had a longggg journey ahead of me. Well she calls like 30mins after i leave and start tha cock and bull story about making a mistake and all dat and i judt tell her ok, i'll sort it out. I know she's lying and tryong to save her head but i also have a report to send backk to my boss and there my problem lies. I already got this bad reputation about being too prudent and never letting go although i try to sort out minor problems on my own, and young lady wants me to cover her up so boss does not get to confront her mishaps and my question is, WHAT DO I DO? wat i have inmind is telling boss wat i noticed although i'll make it sound light and save my company the stress of dealing wit a fraud but dat will make me earn one more enemy! and the other option is keeping it to myself and hoping they get to pay for the missing stock and dat makes me an accomplice! Times like dis i get real tired of the job i do but wat do u guys advice me to do.
This is actually meant to be longer than this but i'm sooo tired and need to go soak myself in a worm bath! Wil go round all da blogd tomoro. Promise! Missed yall!
Now i get to work dis mornign and hear the shocker of my life, BOSS WANTS ME TO GO AUDIT THE OFFICE AND SEE IF IT'S WORTH CLOSING DOWN. This wipes the smile off my face cos from wat i hear, it's like travelling to another town, ( for those of u familiar with lagos, i work in Ikeja and Tradefair is wayyy off my route!) Ok, i whine and grumble and reluctantly agreed to go, not like i had a choice though! But the only consolation was i had someone to take me there and bring me back. The JOURNEY going down was not as stressful as i thought, at least from the stories i was told, i just spent like 1hr:15mins going and then the DRAMA started.
Part of my work here is taking care of anything involving sales but that excludes distributors (Thank God) and i have gotten used to being called all sorts of names like MEANY, WICKED, HEARTLESS and all sorts and the truth is, i am more or less the most friendly worker we got around(not trying to praise me) but my second name is smile and i do dat alot, but pple still get the wrong impression about me cos i just try to do my work!
Now i go check the stock, and dat includes all thier records and notice some funny dealings there. ( this is like the 3rd time we are gonna handle fraud in this particular branch) and then i smile on and finally confirm that there is really something going on here. I confront the lady in charge and she mumbles smtn about trying to sort out watever is wrong * thank God she didn't call me dumb* then i tell her to get back to me and leave cos i had it in mind dat i had a longggg journey ahead of me. Well she calls like 30mins after i leave and start tha cock and bull story about making a mistake and all dat and i judt tell her ok, i'll sort it out. I know she's lying and tryong to save her head but i also have a report to send backk to my boss and there my problem lies. I already got this bad reputation about being too prudent and never letting go although i try to sort out minor problems on my own, and young lady wants me to cover her up so boss does not get to confront her mishaps and my question is, WHAT DO I DO? wat i have inmind is telling boss wat i noticed although i'll make it sound light and save my company the stress of dealing wit a fraud but dat will make me earn one more enemy! and the other option is keeping it to myself and hoping they get to pay for the missing stock and dat makes me an accomplice! Times like dis i get real tired of the job i do but wat do u guys advice me to do.
This is actually meant to be longer than this but i'm sooo tired and need to go soak myself in a worm bath! Wil go round all da blogd tomoro. Promise! Missed yall!
Monday, July 9, 2007
Inspired by Blog Queen!
The other day when i read P's blog, i found it kinda funny cos i almost had an encounter wit the "Eze Nwanyi" (Queen mother or so) herself and it was not a very funny experience! It all started when i had to go to my hometown wit Family and i always looked forward to it cos i get spoiled silly and pampered by all and me enjoy being But dis unfortunate time, our trip was cut short cos of one nonesense or would i say yeye man dat just came up wit this outrageous story about our village Goddess "Eze Nwanyi"!
Well, i always noticed dat whenever i pass dis particuler uncle of mine and greet him, he'll always mumble smtn dat sounded like "eze smtn" but i was never bothered with watever he said, at least i've done my own quota by respectfully greeting him. OK, Oga comes visiting one day and had dis HEATED convo with my mum! was wondering wat it was all about but wetin concern agbero wit overload? the grown ups could take care of them probs witout getting we "kids" involved! well trouble started one day when i greeted Uncle S again and heard him mumble (how are u eze nwanyi!) well me being the inquisitive me dat i've always been, went home and asked mum why Uncle S called me eze nwanyi! as if the man knew wat happened, he came to the house dat evening and demanded dat he talk to both maself and my mum, mumsie tried being polite and asked me to sit down and listen to watever nonsense he had to say, Uncle S started by saying i was the (CHOSEN ONE) WAT DA HELL? i didn't even know he was one of the agents of our so called GODDESS till dat moment. The story is, she said she wants me to be her prophetess or watever i have to call dat and all i needed to do was come see her in her place, then the vision seeing will start, make una see me see trouble o! Guess he thought it a lucrative job cos he also reminded us that pple will come visit me and give me gifts and dat i could make things happen if i wanted to! " guess dat means possessing all the evil spirits!" To say i was SHOCKED AND SCARED was an understatement, now Uncle brings out kola nut from where ever and asks me to chew and ask "eze nwanyi" to reveal herself to me. Now i am shaking wit tears and i think that was when my mum got out of her trance and sent Big Uncle S out of the house and warned him never to come close to any of his kids! Funny but true story o!
i still get pissed when i rememba this incident and i keep wondering why the foolish "thing" didn't just pick someone else dat was willing to serve her instead of coming to cut our long awaited travell short.
PS: i've seen a picture of this Queen mother and believe me, she looks nuthin like me! she got this very longgggggggggg breast dat sweeps the floor and has dis big cat on her lap( grandad had the pix, wonder how he got it). i used to have a cat when i was veryyyyy young but caught whooping cough cos i always shared my left over tea from skool wit it so dad flung it away and dat was the end of cats! NOw i wonder wat i would have been doing in that shrine, neva been there so dont even know wat it looks like but i guess Obinna would have called me to stop the rain or maybe many of u will come pay some consulting fees for me to help solve ur probs!
This world is really full of EVIL POWERS and only GOD will save his pple!
Well, i always noticed dat whenever i pass dis particuler uncle of mine and greet him, he'll always mumble smtn dat sounded like "eze smtn" but i was never bothered with watever he said, at least i've done my own quota by respectfully greeting him. OK, Oga comes visiting one day and had dis HEATED convo with my mum! was wondering wat it was all about but wetin concern agbero wit overload? the grown ups could take care of them probs witout getting we "kids" involved! well trouble started one day when i greeted Uncle S again and heard him mumble (how are u eze nwanyi!) well me being the inquisitive me dat i've always been, went home and asked mum why Uncle S called me eze nwanyi! as if the man knew wat happened, he came to the house dat evening and demanded dat he talk to both maself and my mum, mumsie tried being polite and asked me to sit down and listen to watever nonsense he had to say, Uncle S started by saying i was the (CHOSEN ONE) WAT DA HELL? i didn't even know he was one of the agents of our so called GODDESS till dat moment. The story is, she said she wants me to be her prophetess or watever i have to call dat and all i needed to do was come see her in her place, then the vision seeing will start, make una see me see trouble o! Guess he thought it a lucrative job cos he also reminded us that pple will come visit me and give me gifts and dat i could make things happen if i wanted to! " guess dat means possessing all the evil spirits!" To say i was SHOCKED AND SCARED was an understatement, now Uncle brings out kola nut from where ever and asks me to chew and ask "eze nwanyi" to reveal herself to me. Now i am shaking wit tears and i think that was when my mum got out of her trance and sent Big Uncle S out of the house and warned him never to come close to any of his kids! Funny but true story o!
i still get pissed when i rememba this incident and i keep wondering why the foolish "thing" didn't just pick someone else dat was willing to serve her instead of coming to cut our long awaited travell short.
PS: i've seen a picture of this Queen mother and believe me, she looks nuthin like me! she got this very longgggggggggg breast dat sweeps the floor and has dis big cat on her lap( grandad had the pix, wonder how he got it). i used to have a cat when i was veryyyyy young but caught whooping cough cos i always shared my left over tea from skool wit it so dad flung it away and dat was the end of cats! NOw i wonder wat i would have been doing in that shrine, neva been there so dont even know wat it looks like but i guess Obinna would have called me to stop the rain or maybe many of u will come pay some consulting fees for me to help solve ur probs!
This world is really full of EVIL POWERS and only GOD will save his pple!
Friday, July 6, 2007
I had a very busy day at work today and now i'm soooo tired and exhausted! Was meant to post a proper blog today but changed my mind (cos i'm too tired) and decided to just wish everyone a PLEASANT WEEKEND!
Hope it's gonna be an exciting one, want to hear alllllllll about it. will post mine too.
Hope it's gonna be an exciting one, want to hear alllllllll about it. will post mine too.
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
This is sooo scary but true!
Dear All, This is a testimony that will inspire you and spur you to trusting God more. It goes to prove that God is our only source of protection and security. Running to Him is the only surety we have in this wicked world. Read and appreciate God's unchanging love.
This testimony was shared in Faith Tabernacle Canaan Land , On Father's Day Celebration (June 17, 2007) Be blessed.
MY TESTIMONY I give this testimony to the glory of God and for these 3 reasons
1. To proof that God answer prayers.
2. The word of God is power
3. There is reward for dedicated service that comes from a sincere heart.
On Friday the 25th day of May 2007, as I drive through Gowon Estate, just after RCCG (Dominion Parish) to the left, I was about to make a call when I sited a team of police men (6 of them) on check point duty. I stopped the car just some meters from them, turn off the engine and started calling. I was just dialing the number when one of them came from the passenger’s side to accuse me of making phone call while driving. I told him I wasn’t and that this is the reason why I parked the car. He accused me of lying. This got me angry and I stepped out of the car, close the door and both of us started arguing. I stood by the driver’s side of the car raging and ranting and telling the police man what I feel about the police operation. One of them, a corporal came from behind me and touched my shoulder saying “we are not fighting now”. Immediately, I became weak. As much as I tried talking, my mouth was not responding. By this time, I looked around and noticed what these police men were doing, but I could do nothing about the situation. After a while I was instructed to enter the car and drive. By this time, 5 vehicles were already arrested, 1 jeep and 4 cars (my car inclusive). A lady (one of the captives) was asked to sit in the front seat of my car, while the two police men sat at the backseat of the car. Again, I wanted to complain but again the police man touched my shoulder. This he kept doing anytime he observes I was trying to come out of his hold. This continued until we got to Ayobo road. Between Abesan Estate gate and Ayobo road junction, I knew I was driving but remembered nothing. Then when I saw a small Canaan land bus approaching, I was coming out of their grip and the man behind me touched me again so I drove past the bus. My car stopped twice. The first time I started it and we continued, as we approached the bridge along Ayobo – Ota road, the car stopped for the second time. As I tried starting the car, that was the last thing I knew. By the time I regained consciousness, I saw myself in a thick forest with a lot of people sitting down on the ground. We were close to 2000. There was no house, no light, just people. The boy to my left introduced himself as Jonathan and his younger brother John. He said he noticed I was praying while unconscious until I became conscious. He enquired the church I attend and I said Winner’s chapel. He said he worship at RCCG in Lokoja, Kogi State . He said he was taking his brother to Osun State University to sit for the entrance examination before they found themselves in this place. Then he brought out his handset and I collected it. I noticed there was a bar of signal on it. So I was able to call my wife secretly and inform her of what was happening. I called back the second time and specifically instructed her to go and inform our father in the Lord, Bishop Oyedepo and also Pastor Victor (the Music director) and that what I need now is prayers. I told her that this is not time to start crying. We were at this location from the day I made the call (which I later learnt was Monday 28th May, 2007) for about six days. Doughnut, meat-pie, sachet water, juice were given to those who have gained full consciousness. I refused to take any of the things they brought and also instructed the two brothers and another man with whom I pray not to. While there, I remembered this was my 10th year as an in-house consultant to the ministry. I then reminded God that this not the reward of service. I also reminded him of my service in church, with the choir and then I said, NO WAY, I CAN’T END UP LIKE THIS. The 4th day after I made the call, they brought bottled juice and because we were famished, I asked my prayer partners to take it. I prayed over it nullifying every power inside. I pleaded the blood of Jesus over it , and then we took the juice. On the 5th day after I made the call, they came for me. It has become a routine. Every 40 to 50 minutes, they come to pick between 70 to 100 people and none ever returned. But I told the other three with whom I pray, “see ya, and I followed them.” I was priviledged to be amongst the people in front. We trekked for close to 45 minutes. It was as if we were going down a slope through a tunnel, with a wall of earth/grass on both sides. Then, we arrived in front of a gate under the ground. The gate was opened to reveal a neatly painted building, well lit. The painting was hypnotic. The doors, ceiling, wall and floor of the building has the same colour. Together with 15 others, I was ushered into the first room. I was the seventh person. While others moved along the long unending corridor. By now, the only thing that kept replaying itself on my mind was mummy Oyedepo’s audio book, “RESCUED FROM DESTRUCTION” which I was privileged to edit. It started from the very beginning as soon as I stepped into the underground building. In the room, there was this non reflective mirror on the wall and one after the other, we were instructed to step in front of the mirror. As each person steps in front of the mirror, in 3 to 4 seconds, his or her image appears and the next thing is we hear the person’s name. The only thing I can’t tell is who was calling the names. Then the person’s image on the mirror will be covered with blood. The person will then be directed to go through another door, different from the door we came in from. What happens next I do not know. When it was my turn, I stepped forward and positioned myself like others. I stood in front of the mirror for about 4 minutes but my image did not appear in the mirror. After sometime, it appeared and I saw my self inside the mirror. I must state here that I was not scared at all. What kept ringing in my ears was mama’s voice reading the audio version of her book. Then, after another 3 minutes of my image appearing, mummy Oyedepo’s voice sounded loud and clear that even the captors heard it, “GOD IS TOO FAITHFUL TO FAIL, HE IS DEPENDABLE, HE IS MORE THAN ENOU GH .” The voice came three times and then, the mirror cracked into bits and pieces and dropped in a heap on the floor like a broken wind screen. Immediately, there was confusion. The remaining 8 people behind me were moved out of the room and I was left there alone weak in the flesh but with mummy’s voice still sounding strong in my spirit man. After a while 5 of our captors into the room and one of them started asking, who are you? What is your name? From where are you? Who is your father? To all these questions, I gave no answer. I was just starring. They all went out again and later one of them came back to take me into another room. This time, the new room was empty. No chair, no bed, nothing, just me. I was in this room for a long time. No food, no water, no sun, no moon, no star, no time, just me. So I cannot say for how long I remained in the room. Then, one day, I was just staring at the other end of the room when I saw something like dew, like a smoke and Bishop Oyedepo stepped out of it. He then said: “Peter, have you seen mummy?” I said no daddy. He then said, mummy (Rev, Mrs. Oyedepo) is looking for you, she has an assignment for you. Then he gave me the instruction saying; “MAKE SURE YOU SEE HER”. He said this 3 times and each time I replied, yes daddy. Then he disappeared. By this time my strength returned and I was fully conscious. Not quiet 5 minutes after my encounter with papa, the door to the room I was flung open and standing right in front of me was a huge man, fair in complexion, has a bald head, with beards. With him were between 15 and 20 people. All of them wore red gowns. I was on my feet as soon as the door opened. And a question and answer session started: MAN: who are you? ME: and I boldly declared, I am a child of God MAN: All of us are children of God ME: There are some that are more real than others MAN: What is your name? ME: I am a child of God MAN: From where? ME: Canaan Land MAN: Where? ME: Ota. Then he said, MAN: A man came to warn me that if I don’t let you go, In seven days, who is this man? ME: He is my father MAN: What is his name? ME: BISHOP DAVID OYEDEPO At this point, the man turned to his men and said, “I instructed you people to mind the kind of people you bring here. Take this man away from this place and return anything you took from him. He said “I don’t want anyone disturbing our operation here”. He was about leaving when I said, I am not the only person, we are 4. He then asked where are the rest and I replied I don’t know. He then instructed them to release the 4 of us. As God will have it, as I stepped out of the room, coming into the underground building are the 3 boys I left outside. I identified them and they were brought to me. The next thing I knew again was I saw us outside the thick forest in the cold. How we got there is still a mystery. What happened between the time I identified them and the time we got to that position, I do not know. I then asked my partners to start reciting psalm 23, while I recited psalm 91. Our hands were tied together behind us before we were left in the middle of the thick forest. As we continued in our recitations, I felt a little light shine on my face from afar. I stood my ground and asked my friends to continue. Then a voice sounded in Yoruba language “WHO ARE THOSE?” We did not answer. The light came nearer and asked the question the second time. The 4th boy with us then started running away, leaving only 3 of us. Again, the question was asked the 3rd time and by this time, it was very close to me so I opened my eyes and saw a figure dressed like a hunter in front of me. He then said in Yoruba language “OH THIS PEOPLE AGAIN?” He loosened the rope on our hands, and asked us to follow him. When we tried calling on the boy that ran off, the hunter said we should leave him alone. So, the hunter from that day led us through the forest for 6 nights. As much as I tried to see his face, I could not. He smelt like incense and his voice was like someone inside a tunnel. He only came at night and when it is dawn, he points to the right where a hut awaits us. The 2nd night, he prepared sandals made of leaf and roots for us. By the 3rd night, the 3rd boy was so weak and hungry that he could hardly move. Then the boy said, “I am hungry” the hunter replied us saying, “YOU DID NOT ASK”. On saying this, he reached inside his bag and brought out a warm piece of roasted yam for each of us. On the 4th and 5th nights, he gave us mouth burning piece of yam each time. So we continued until we got to the main road on the 6th night and the hunter pointed to the left and said “this way is to Ibadan ” and pointing to the right side he said, “this way is to Akure”. He then pointed to his left for the first time in 6 days and asked us to remain in the hut until the next morning. I made sure the strange hunters’ instructions were carried out to the letter. I had started off into the hut when I remembered the piece of yam for that night. I turned round to request and alas, the hunter had disappeared. We turn on the hand set to discover network, so I was able to call my wife, though we did not know our location then. By the next morning, we found out hat turning to the right the signal on the hand set increases, we proceeded towards that direction until we arrived at EKEJI-ILE, OSUN STATE .
We went to Ayo Babalola University , told them our story and they assisted us. I bless the name of the Lord for confirming the words of His servant in my life and for the fulfillment of prophecies from the mouth of His servant. Glory to God.
This testimony was shared in Faith Tabernacle Canaan Land , On Father's Day Celebration (June 17, 2007) Be blessed.
MY TESTIMONY I give this testimony to the glory of God and for these 3 reasons
1. To proof that God answer prayers.
2. The word of God is power
3. There is reward for dedicated service that comes from a sincere heart.
On Friday the 25th day of May 2007, as I drive through Gowon Estate, just after RCCG (Dominion Parish) to the left, I was about to make a call when I sited a team of police men (6 of them) on check point duty. I stopped the car just some meters from them, turn off the engine and started calling. I was just dialing the number when one of them came from the passenger’s side to accuse me of making phone call while driving. I told him I wasn’t and that this is the reason why I parked the car. He accused me of lying. This got me angry and I stepped out of the car, close the door and both of us started arguing. I stood by the driver’s side of the car raging and ranting and telling the police man what I feel about the police operation. One of them, a corporal came from behind me and touched my shoulder saying “we are not fighting now”. Immediately, I became weak. As much as I tried talking, my mouth was not responding. By this time, I looked around and noticed what these police men were doing, but I could do nothing about the situation. After a while I was instructed to enter the car and drive. By this time, 5 vehicles were already arrested, 1 jeep and 4 cars (my car inclusive). A lady (one of the captives) was asked to sit in the front seat of my car, while the two police men sat at the backseat of the car. Again, I wanted to complain but again the police man touched my shoulder. This he kept doing anytime he observes I was trying to come out of his hold. This continued until we got to Ayobo road. Between Abesan Estate gate and Ayobo road junction, I knew I was driving but remembered nothing. Then when I saw a small Canaan land bus approaching, I was coming out of their grip and the man behind me touched me again so I drove past the bus. My car stopped twice. The first time I started it and we continued, as we approached the bridge along Ayobo – Ota road, the car stopped for the second time. As I tried starting the car, that was the last thing I knew. By the time I regained consciousness, I saw myself in a thick forest with a lot of people sitting down on the ground. We were close to 2000. There was no house, no light, just people. The boy to my left introduced himself as Jonathan and his younger brother John. He said he noticed I was praying while unconscious until I became conscious. He enquired the church I attend and I said Winner’s chapel. He said he worship at RCCG in Lokoja, Kogi State . He said he was taking his brother to Osun State University to sit for the entrance examination before they found themselves in this place. Then he brought out his handset and I collected it. I noticed there was a bar of signal on it. So I was able to call my wife secretly and inform her of what was happening. I called back the second time and specifically instructed her to go and inform our father in the Lord, Bishop Oyedepo and also Pastor Victor (the Music director) and that what I need now is prayers. I told her that this is not time to start crying. We were at this location from the day I made the call (which I later learnt was Monday 28th May, 2007) for about six days. Doughnut, meat-pie, sachet water, juice were given to those who have gained full consciousness. I refused to take any of the things they brought and also instructed the two brothers and another man with whom I pray not to. While there, I remembered this was my 10th year as an in-house consultant to the ministry. I then reminded God that this not the reward of service. I also reminded him of my service in church, with the choir and then I said, NO WAY, I CAN’T END UP LIKE THIS. The 4th day after I made the call, they brought bottled juice and because we were famished, I asked my prayer partners to take it. I prayed over it nullifying every power inside. I pleaded the blood of Jesus over it , and then we took the juice. On the 5th day after I made the call, they came for me. It has become a routine. Every 40 to 50 minutes, they come to pick between 70 to 100 people and none ever returned. But I told the other three with whom I pray, “see ya, and I followed them.” I was priviledged to be amongst the people in front. We trekked for close to 45 minutes. It was as if we were going down a slope through a tunnel, with a wall of earth/grass on both sides. Then, we arrived in front of a gate under the ground. The gate was opened to reveal a neatly painted building, well lit. The painting was hypnotic. The doors, ceiling, wall and floor of the building has the same colour. Together with 15 others, I was ushered into the first room. I was the seventh person. While others moved along the long unending corridor. By now, the only thing that kept replaying itself on my mind was mummy Oyedepo’s audio book, “RESCUED FROM DESTRUCTION” which I was privileged to edit. It started from the very beginning as soon as I stepped into the underground building. In the room, there was this non reflective mirror on the wall and one after the other, we were instructed to step in front of the mirror. As each person steps in front of the mirror, in 3 to 4 seconds, his or her image appears and the next thing is we hear the person’s name. The only thing I can’t tell is who was calling the names. Then the person’s image on the mirror will be covered with blood. The person will then be directed to go through another door, different from the door we came in from. What happens next I do not know. When it was my turn, I stepped forward and positioned myself like others. I stood in front of the mirror for about 4 minutes but my image did not appear in the mirror. After sometime, it appeared and I saw my self inside the mirror. I must state here that I was not scared at all. What kept ringing in my ears was mama’s voice reading the audio version of her book. Then, after another 3 minutes of my image appearing, mummy Oyedepo’s voice sounded loud and clear that even the captors heard it, “GOD IS TOO FAITHFUL TO FAIL, HE IS DEPENDABLE, HE IS MORE THAN ENOU GH .” The voice came three times and then, the mirror cracked into bits and pieces and dropped in a heap on the floor like a broken wind screen. Immediately, there was confusion. The remaining 8 people behind me were moved out of the room and I was left there alone weak in the flesh but with mummy’s voice still sounding strong in my spirit man. After a while 5 of our captors into the room and one of them started asking, who are you? What is your name? From where are you? Who is your father? To all these questions, I gave no answer. I was just starring. They all went out again and later one of them came back to take me into another room. This time, the new room was empty. No chair, no bed, nothing, just me. I was in this room for a long time. No food, no water, no sun, no moon, no star, no time, just me. So I cannot say for how long I remained in the room. Then, one day, I was just staring at the other end of the room when I saw something like dew, like a smoke and Bishop Oyedepo stepped out of it. He then said: “Peter, have you seen mummy?” I said no daddy. He then said, mummy (Rev, Mrs. Oyedepo) is looking for you, she has an assignment for you. Then he gave me the instruction saying; “MAKE SURE YOU SEE HER”. He said this 3 times and each time I replied, yes daddy. Then he disappeared. By this time my strength returned and I was fully conscious. Not quiet 5 minutes after my encounter with papa, the door to the room I was flung open and standing right in front of me was a huge man, fair in complexion, has a bald head, with beards. With him were between 15 and 20 people. All of them wore red gowns. I was on my feet as soon as the door opened. And a question and answer session started: MAN: who are you? ME: and I boldly declared, I am a child of God MAN: All of us are children of God ME: There are some that are more real than others MAN: What is your name? ME: I am a child of God MAN: From where? ME: Canaan Land MAN: Where? ME: Ota. Then he said, MAN: A man came to warn me that if I don’t let you go, In seven days, who is this man? ME: He is my father MAN: What is his name? ME: BISHOP DAVID OYEDEPO At this point, the man turned to his men and said, “I instructed you people to mind the kind of people you bring here. Take this man away from this place and return anything you took from him. He said “I don’t want anyone disturbing our operation here”. He was about leaving when I said, I am not the only person, we are 4. He then asked where are the rest and I replied I don’t know. He then instructed them to release the 4 of us. As God will have it, as I stepped out of the room, coming into the underground building are the 3 boys I left outside. I identified them and they were brought to me. The next thing I knew again was I saw us outside the thick forest in the cold. How we got there is still a mystery. What happened between the time I identified them and the time we got to that position, I do not know. I then asked my partners to start reciting psalm 23, while I recited psalm 91. Our hands were tied together behind us before we were left in the middle of the thick forest. As we continued in our recitations, I felt a little light shine on my face from afar. I stood my ground and asked my friends to continue. Then a voice sounded in Yoruba language “WHO ARE THOSE?” We did not answer. The light came nearer and asked the question the second time. The 4th boy with us then started running away, leaving only 3 of us. Again, the question was asked the 3rd time and by this time, it was very close to me so I opened my eyes and saw a figure dressed like a hunter in front of me. He then said in Yoruba language “OH THIS PEOPLE AGAIN?” He loosened the rope on our hands, and asked us to follow him. When we tried calling on the boy that ran off, the hunter said we should leave him alone. So, the hunter from that day led us through the forest for 6 nights. As much as I tried to see his face, I could not. He smelt like incense and his voice was like someone inside a tunnel. He only came at night and when it is dawn, he points to the right where a hut awaits us. The 2nd night, he prepared sandals made of leaf and roots for us. By the 3rd night, the 3rd boy was so weak and hungry that he could hardly move. Then the boy said, “I am hungry” the hunter replied us saying, “YOU DID NOT ASK”. On saying this, he reached inside his bag and brought out a warm piece of roasted yam for each of us. On the 4th and 5th nights, he gave us mouth burning piece of yam each time. So we continued until we got to the main road on the 6th night and the hunter pointed to the left and said “this way is to Ibadan ” and pointing to the right side he said, “this way is to Akure”. He then pointed to his left for the first time in 6 days and asked us to remain in the hut until the next morning. I made sure the strange hunters’ instructions were carried out to the letter. I had started off into the hut when I remembered the piece of yam for that night. I turned round to request and alas, the hunter had disappeared. We turn on the hand set to discover network, so I was able to call my wife, though we did not know our location then. By the next morning, we found out hat turning to the right the signal on the hand set increases, we proceeded towards that direction until we arrived at EKEJI-ILE, OSUN STATE .
We went to Ayo Babalola University , told them our story and they assisted us. I bless the name of the Lord for confirming the words of His servant in my life and for the fulfillment of prophecies from the mouth of His servant. Glory to God.
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
@ work and soooo sleepy!
Looks like we're in longer days and shorter nites cos i see myself always waking up grumpy and tired and it's not like i go to bed really late, i need enuf sleep and cant seem to get it. Yea rite, this is how i feel dis morning so imma let it out! Lol... Can u believe i've still not gotten the present? and i dont even look forward to going out today, guess i'll do it tomoro.heheheheeee. Yea dat's me, MISS PROCASTINATOR! just hope i dont postpone walking down aisle on my wedding day *grin*.
You know i've been getting a lot of funny messages recently and i wonder if someone is actually passing a message along and while i was laughing away, i remembered the prank i played on 1st April, i'm an April fool chic and i just love it when pple buy my Why is it that whenever a gurl says she's feeling NAUSEOUS (auntie P corrected me) the next thing u hear is are u sure u're not preggie? it could as well be FOOD POISONING or WORMS disturbing ur system but all u hear is PREG! PREG!! PREG!!! Guess i'm just rambling today and dat's mainly cos i want to go home and sleep!
Maybe i'll post a beta blog later today but for now i just wanna sleeeeeeeeeeeeeppppppppp!
one of the funny text messages i got :- A PRAYER.. Dear Lord, i pray for Wisdom to understand my woman, Luv to forgive her & Patience for her mood swings cuz Lord if i pray for Strenght. i'll beat her silly! Lol
You know i've been getting a lot of funny messages recently and i wonder if someone is actually passing a message along and while i was laughing away, i remembered the prank i played on 1st April, i'm an April fool chic and i just love it when pple buy my Why is it that whenever a gurl says she's feeling NAUSEOUS (auntie P corrected me) the next thing u hear is are u sure u're not preggie? it could as well be FOOD POISONING or WORMS disturbing ur system but all u hear is PREG! PREG!! PREG!!! Guess i'm just rambling today and dat's mainly cos i want to go home and sleep!
Maybe i'll post a beta blog later today but for now i just wanna sleeeeeeeeeeeeeppppppppp!
one of the funny text messages i got :- A PRAYER.. Dear Lord, i pray for Wisdom to understand my woman, Luv to forgive her & Patience for her mood swings cuz Lord if i pray for Strenght. i'll beat her silly! Lol
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